Americans love beer. In 2018 alone, the U.S. spent $119.3 billion on the sudsy stuff. But have you ever stopped to think how that cold glass of beer got in front of you? The answer is with a lot of help from Nevada mining. Here are 4 Nevada minerals that we wouldn’t enjoy beer without.


4 NEVADA MINERALS THAT MAKE BEER BETTER - Nevada Mining Association - 1Gypsum

Something as simple as water hardness can change the taste of a beer. Brewers in areas with softer water add gypsum to make hoppy beers like IPA’s and pale ales.


Diatomaceous Earth

Filtering beer removes impurities that affect taste, body, and coloration. Most brewers around the world use Nevada produced diatomaceous earth in the filtration process because it gives beer a clean appearance while not influencing taste.



Beer needs a way to go from the brewing process to your glass, and Nevada mining makes sure that beer stays safe to drink along the way. Molybdenum strengthens the rust-free stainless steel used in beer kegs and taps.



Not only is silica a part of the brewing process (diatomaceous earth is made up of 90% silica), it’s also what’s used to make the glasses and bottles beer is served in.


Next time you’re out with friends, hoist your glass and celebrate Nevada mining!