Students are returning to the classroom ready to learn and gain the skills they will need for their future. That also means children will be out on the roads heading to and from school. Here are some safety tips to make sure everyone gets to their destination safely.


Safety Share: Back to School - Nevada Mining Association - 1Driving responsibly in school zones

School zone laws are in effect, with speed limits slowing to 15 MPH in most areas. Watching your speed isn’t the only precaution to take, however. It is also illegal to make U-turns and pass other drivers in Nevada’s school zones. Those caught violating school zone traffic laws face double the fine compared to a regular infraction, so responsible driving won’t just protect students, but wallets as well.


Watch for kids on the road

Students will be heading to and from school, meaning it’s important to keep an open eye in the mornings and afternoons. Be extra attentive in neighborhoods where children may be walking and not paying attention to their surroundings. Also give students riding bicycles at least three feet of space on the road.


Dropping your student off

If you drop your children off at school, familiarize yourself with the school’s rules and policies on where it is and isn’t allowed. Be patient, wait your turn, and avoid exiting the car unless necessary. Don’t double park, or block areas intended for teacher parking or buses. If you plan on dropping students off further away, avoid areas that require children to cross streets.


Safety Share: Back to School - Nevada Mining Association - 2Obey crossing guard’s signals

Some schools have crossing guards posted at intersections to help children cross roads safely. Always be sure to obey guard signals and don’t block crosswalks trying to turn, forcing walkers to move around your vehicle.


School bus stops

Passing a stopped school bus with flashing lights from either direction is illegal. If you approach a bus picking up or dropping off children, stop your car with at least 10 feet of space and wait for the bus to depart. Before you continue driving, take an extra look around to make sure there are no children crossing the road in unmarked areas.