After a wetter than normal Nevada spring, summer is officially here, meaning Nevadans in every corner of the state will be out and about, enjoying the many outdoor options the Silver State provides us with. Check out these 5 tips on how to stay safe in the sun this summer.


Safety Share: Fun in the Sun - Nevada Mining Association - 1Wear sunscreen

A fun day outside with friends can turn into a nightmare if you forget the sunscreen. Sunscreen protects your skin from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, which can cause skin damage, premature aging, and even cause skin cancer.

Wear sunscreen with a minimum of 15 SPF, apply a half hour before sun exposure, and reapply every two hours. If you’re sweating or in the water, you should reapply more frequently.


Treat Sunburns

Immediate treatment of a sunburn can mitigate some of the harmful effects, or at least make recovery a less painful experience. Placing a cool, damp towel on the affected area multiple times per day will assist in recovery, as will administering a skin moisturizer like aloe vera. Drink plenty of water and keep the burned skin covered by clothing. Should the burned area blister, protect the area and do not pop it.


Stay Hydrated

High temperatures mean your body will lose water through sweat and the only way to replace it (and help your body stay cool) is to consume more water. Signs of dehydration include fatigue, light headedness, headaches, and cramping. Drink water frequently while outside and take a break for water anytime you feel even the earliest symptoms of dehydration.


Water Safety

Whether at the pool, beach, or in a boat or jet ski, thinking safely is important to make sure that everyone is having fun. Don’t leave children unattended and ensure that any poor swimmers are wearing proper safety equipment.

Those driving boats or jet skis should follow proper safety procedures and ensure that enough life preservers are accessible to everyone on board a boat in the event of an emergency.


Watch Out for the Kids

With school out, kids are more likely to be out and about during the day. Wherever you are, keep an extra eye out for the little ones and drive slower near areas kids are more likely to be at like parks.

If your child is out playing, ensure that they are wearing sunscreen and are drinking plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.