Safety Share: Heart Health

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February is National Heart Month, which is dedicated to raising awareness and encouraging people to maintain a heart healthy lifestyle. One of every four deaths in America is the result of heart disease, the leading cause of death for both men and women. Here are 5 tips on how you can keep your ticker ticking.

Eat Well

Eating healthy food is one of the simplest ways to keep your heart happy. Avoid foods with high amounts of sugar, salt, and saturated fats. Replace them healthier options like chicken, seafood, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.


Exercising is another important part of heart health. The American Heart Association recommends adults exercise at least 2.5 hours every week. Not only will being active reduce health risks like heart disease and diabetes, but it’ll also help you feel and sleep better.


Heart health is more than what you do while you’re awake, it’s also important to give your body time to rest. Getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night can help your body avoid a number of health issues like high blood pressure and weight gain. Even people with healthy diet and exercise habits leave themselves at higher risk for heart disease if they don’t get enough sleep.

Mental Health

Taking care of your mental health is another important aspect of maintaining a strong heart. People with depression are more prone to heart attacks and heart disease. If you need help, don’t be afraid to talk to a doctor or someone you trust.

Quit Smoking

In addition to all of the other health risks of smoking, smokers are at a significantly higher risk to suffer a heart attack. Chemicals inside cigarettes cause blood vessels to shrink, decreasing blood flow, making heart disease, strokes, and other health issues more likely.